Wednesday 23 November 2011 Scams | Fraud | Rip off is the worst wholesale directory found on the internet. For all the readers please stay millions of miles away from this website. They are nothing but a list of junk retailers. Keep it in never to do list. They try every tactic to get register you on their website. But after getting register there we come to know their real ugly spam face and they never keep any contact with you. Pile of spam emails every day, mainly herbal medicines from china suppliers which I have nothing to do with. You will never be able to find any legit supplier there. Even you can’t find yourself.

Anyways, I contacted a supplier enquiring about his products and I was shocked to receive his reply that he doesn’t know any! This breaks their claim of so called suppliers’ verification. The company is a big rip off and his owner Stefano Carboni is a con artist. They state that they offer refunds but in fact they never do. I never saw such a pathetic customer support. They have stolen my money. I dropped loads of emails to refund my money. But they didn’t give a single reply. I don’t know in which corner of the world they have set up their fraud business that is the reason that they haven’t provided their contact phone number on their website to keep away from the customers asking for the refunds.

I contacted many of the suppliers and drop shippers there, they also claimed that they were never verified by, and want to get rid of that spam directory. They have contacted multiple times to remove their details from their spam directory but they have turned their ears off and don’t respond to any email that why they added them without their request.

I know my money will never be back. But I have decided to inform people of my industry to never to near You will lose your money and would find no way out. Never pay Avoid it!!